Results for 'Richard D. Smallwood'

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  1. P. Andrew Leynes, Richard L. Marsh, Jason L. Hicks, Joseph D. Allen, and Christopher B. Mayhorn.Jonathan Smallwood, Marc Obonsawin, Derek Heim & Robert West - 2002 - Consciousness and Cognition 11:478-479.
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    Principles and Proofs: Aristotle’s Theory of Demonstrative Science.Richard D. McKirahan (ed.) - 1992 - Princeton University Press.
    By a thorough study of the Posterior Analytics and related Aristotelian texts, Richard McKirahan reconstructs Aristotle's theory of episteme--science. The Posterior Analytics contains the first extensive treatment of the nature and structure of science in the history of philosophy, and McKirahan's aim is to interpret it sympathetically, following the lead of the text, rather than imposing contemporary frameworks on it. In addition to treating the theory as a whole, the author uses textual and philological as well as philosophical material (...)
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    Effects of perceptual salience on the recall of relevant and incidental dimensional values: A developmental study.Richard D. Odom - 1972 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 92 (2):285.
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    Painism: Some Moral Rules for the Civilized Experimenter.Richard D. Ryder - 1999 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 8 (1):35-42.
    One of the barriers between ordinarily compassionate animal researchers and pro-animal ethicists is that the ethicists are usually seen as asking for far too much. They are perceived as demanding the complete abandonment of careers. In consequence, the ethicist is often ignored. Ethicists rarely give clear-cut rules to animal researchers as to how they can continue in animal research while at the same time adopting an increasingly moral approach. The purpose of this paper is to provide some rules to help (...)
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    Responses to “Healthcare: Reform, Yes; But Not á la Lamm,” by Edmund D. Pellegrino.Richard D. Lamm - 1994 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 3 (3):403.
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    Is alexithymia the emotional equivalent of blindsight?Richard D. R. Lane, G. L. Ahern, Gary E. Schwartz & Alfred W. Kaszniak - 1997 - Biological Psychiatry 42:834-44.
  7. Memory reconsolidation, emotional arousal, and the process of change in psychotherapy: New insights from brain science.Richard D. Lane, Lee Ryan, Lynn Nadel & Leslie Greenberg - 2015 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 38:e1.
    Since Freud, clinicians have understood that disturbing memories contribute to psychopathology and that new emotional experiences contribute to therapeutic change. Yet, controversy remains about what is truly essential to bring about psychotherapeutic change. Mounting evidence from empirical studies suggests that emotional arousal is a key ingredient in therapeutic change in many modalities. In addition, memory seems to play an important role but there is a lack of consensus on the role of understanding what happened in the past in bringing about (...)
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    Fairness in the selection of employees.Richard D. Arvey & Gary L. Renz - 1992 - Journal of Business Ethics 11 (5-6):331-340.
    A number of fairness issues and principles are developed and discussed from the context of personnel selection. It is noted that not too much attention has been paid to these issues and concerns in the past. A distinction is made between justice and fairness having to do with the procedural components and processes of selection, the nature of the information used to make selection decisions, and the resulting outcomes of the selection process. Ideas for future research and exploration are also (...)
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    Orienting of Attention.Richard D. Wright & Lawrence M. Ward - 2008 - Oxford University Press.
    This book is a succinct introduction to the orienting of attention.
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    A biological interpretation of moral systems.Richard D. Alexander - 1985 - Zygon 20 (1):3-20.
    . Moral systems are described as systems of indirect reciprocity, existing because of histories of conflicts of interest and arising as outcomes of the complexity of social interactions in groups of long‐lived individuals with varying conflicts and confluences of interest and indefinitely iterated social interactions. Although morality is commonly defined as involving justice for all people, or consistency in the social treatment of all humans, it may have arisen for immoral reasons, as a force leading to cohesiveness within human groups (...)
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  11. The Historical Books.Richard D. Nelson - 1998
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  12. The study of emotion from the perspective of cognitive neuroscience.Richard D. Lane, Lynne Nadel, John Jb Allen & A. W. Kaszniak - 2000 - In Richard D. R. Lane, L. Nadel & G. L. Ahern (eds.), Cognitive Neuroscience of Emotion. Series in Affective Science. Oxford University Press.
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    Making and Remaking Silla Origins.Richard D. McBride - 2020 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 140 (3):531-548.
    The official narrative on the early history of the Korean state of Silla (trad. 57 BCE–935 CE) was constantly under revision and probably not initially charted until the late seventh or early eighth century. This narrative continued to evolve throughout the remainder of the Silla and early Koryŏ period (918–1392), achieving its final form in the mid-twelfth century with the publication of the Samguk sagi. King Mich’u (trad. r. 262–284) was modeled closely on King Pŏphŭng (r. 514–540) to push Silla (...)
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    On Aristotle Physics 8.6-10.Richard D. Simplicius & Mckirahan - 2001 - Bristol Classical Press.
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  15. The Moral Animal.Richard D. Wright - 1994 - Pantheon Books.
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    Savoir et Gouverner: essai sur la science politique platonicienne , written by Dimitri El Murr.Richard D. Parry - 2016 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 10 (1):112-115.
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    XII. Aristotle’s Demonstrations and Euclid’s Elements.Richard D. McKirahan - 1992 - In Principles and Proofs: Aristotle’s Theory of Demonstrative Science. Princeton University Press. pp. 144-163.
  18. God and Forms in Plato: And Other Essays in Plato's Metaphysics.Richard D. Mohr - 2005 - Las Vegas: Parmenides Publishing. Edited by Richard D. Mohr.
  19.  38
    Infinite Needs–Finite Resources: The Future of Healthcare.Richard D. Lamm - 1994 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 3 (1):83.
    The single greatest challenge facing managers in the developed countries of the world is to raise the productivity of knowledge and service workers. This challenge, which will dominate the management agenda for the next several decades, will ultimately determine the competitive performance of companies. Even more important, it will determine the very fabric of society and the quality of life of every industrialized nation. … Unless this challenge is met, the developed world will face increasing social tensions, increasing polarization, increasing (...)
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    Shinra Myojin and Buddhist Networks of the East Asian “Mediterranean” by Sujung Kim.I. I. Richard D. McBride - 2023 - Buddhist Studies Review 39 (2):255-259.
    Shinra Myojin and Buddhist Networks of the East Asian “Mediterranean” by Sujung Kim. University of Hawai’i Press, 2020. 194pp. Hb. $80.00, ISBN-13: 9780824877996; Pb. $28.00, ISBN-13: 9780824888442.
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    A Health-Based Child Protection System: Studying a Change in Paradigm.Richard D. Krugman, Stephanie Stronks-Knapp, Mischa Haroutunian & Jessica M. Yeatermeyer - 2008 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 19 (4):346-349.
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    Perspective: Death: Right or Duty?Richard D. Lamm - 1997 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 6 (1):111-112.
    Too often, the limits of our language are the limits of our thinking. “If thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought,” warned George Orwell. How we label something too often controls how we think about it. We get particular concepts in our head and they are hard to change. They govern how we think and how we act. “Disease” and “death” used to be considered as “God's will,” and it took hundreds of years and no small number of martyrs (...)
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    The Sophists.Richard D. McKirahan - 2025 - Abington, Oxon: Routledge.
    This book offers a new way of looking at the 5th century BCE Sophists, rejecting the bad reputation they have had since antiquity and presenting them as individuals rather than a "movement", each with his own speciality and personality as revealed through the scant surviving evidence. It provides an account of the Sophists of this period that explains the historical and social developments that led to their prominence and popularity, demonstrating the reasons for their importance and for their seeming disappearance (...)
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    Some Problems and Sources in the Foundations of Modern Physiology in Great Britain.Richard D. French - 1971 - History of Science 10 (1):28-55.
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    Molecular biology and biophysics of ion channels.Richard D. Keynes - 1985 - Bioessays 2 (3):100-106.
    The transmission of electrical impulses in nerve and muscle cells depends fundamentally on the operation of specific ion channels in their membranes. Recent technical advances in electrical recording from cell membranes have permitted the analysis of the properties of single ion channels and the measurement of gating currents. The results have revealed considerable complexities, in particular in the operation of voltage‐gated sodium channels, and in the relationships between the several open and closed states of the channels. An important new development (...)
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  26.  13
    Body Incantatory: Spells and the Ritual Imagination in Medieval Chinese Buddhism. By Paul Copp.Richard D. McBride - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 135 (4).
    The Body Incantatory: Spells and the Ritual Imagination in Medieval Chinese Buddhism. By Paul Copp. Sheng Yan Series in Chinese Buddhist Studies. New York: Columbia University Press, 2014. Pp. xxx + 363. $55.
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    Darwinian algorithms and the Wason selection task: A factorial analysis of social contract selection task problems.Richard D. Platt & Richard A. Griggs - 1993 - Cognition 48 (2):163-192.
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    Philosophy before Socrates: an introduction with texts and commentary.Richard D. McKirahan - 1994 - Hackett.
    Since its publication in 1994, Richard McKirahan's _Philosophy Before Socrates_ has become the standard sourcebook in Presocratic philosophy. It provides a wide survey of Greek science, metaphysics, and moral and political philosophy, from their roots in myth to the philosophers and Sophists of the fifth century. A comprehensive selection of fragments and testimonia, translated by the author, is presented in the context of a thorough and accessible discussion. An introductory chapter deals with the sources of Presocratic and Sophistic texts (...)
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    To what extent do beliefs affect apparent motion?Richard D. Wright & Michael R. W. Dawson - 1994 - Philosophical Psychology 7 (4):471-491.
    A number of studies in the apparent motion literature were examined using the cognitive penetrability criterion to determine the extent to which beliefs affect the perception of apparent motion. It was found that the interaction between the perceptual processes mediating apparent motion and higher order processes appears to be limited. In addition, perceptual and inferential beliefs appear to have different effects on perceived motion optimality and direction. Our findings suggest that the system underlying apparent motion perception has more than one (...)
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    III. The Kinds of Principles.Richard D. McKirahan - 1992 - In Principles and Proofs: Aristotle’s Theory of Demonstrative Science. Princeton University Press. pp. 36-49.
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    VII. Definitions, I: The Per Se.Richard D. McKirahan - 1992 - In Principles and Proofs: Aristotle’s Theory of Demonstrative Science. Princeton University Press. pp. 80-102.
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    V. The Subordinate Sciences.Richard D. McKirahan - 1992 - In Principles and Proofs: Aristotle’s Theory of Demonstrative Science. Princeton University Press. pp. 64-67.
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    XVI. Demonstration of Essence: Another Form of Scientific Proof?Richard D. McKirahan - 1992 - In Principles and Proofs: Aristotle’s Theory of Demonstrative Science. Princeton University Press. pp. 198-208.
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    X. Existence Claims.Richard D. McKirahan - 1992 - In Principles and Proofs: Aristotle’s Theory of Demonstrative Science. Princeton University Press. pp. 122-132.
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    XVIII. Our Knowledge of the Principles.Richard D. McKirahan - 1992 - In Principles and Proofs: Aristotle’s Theory of Demonstrative Science. Princeton University Press. pp. 235-272.
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    XIV. The Varieties of Demonstration, II: Application Arguments.Richard D. McKirahan - 1992 - In Principles and Proofs: Aristotle’s Theory of Demonstrative Science. Princeton University Press. pp. 177-187.
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    XV. The Varieties of Demonstration, III: Demonstrations of Existence.Richard D. McKirahan - 1992 - In Principles and Proofs: Aristotle’s Theory of Demonstrative Science. Princeton University Press. pp. 188-197.
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    Gays and the Civil Rights Act.Richard D. Mohr - 1984 - Philosophy & Public Policy Quarterly 4 (2):12.
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    Plato on Democracy and Political Technē, written by Anders Dahl Sørensen.Richard D. Parry - 2019 - Polis 36 (2):380-382.
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    Aristotelian Epagoge in Prior Analytics 2. 21 and Posterior Analytics 1. 1.Richard D. McKirahan - 1983 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 21 (1):1-13.
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    The judicial dialogue.Richard D. Rieke - 1991 - Argumentation 5 (1):39-55.
    A variety of theoretical positions are emerging to explain the judicial process from such perspectives as hermeneutics, semiotics, critical theory and argumentation/rhetoric. They ask such questions as these: What is the source of judicial authority? How do judges arrive at their decisions? By what logic are decisions to be tested? In this essay I argue that a focus on decisions and their justifications alone masks the broader process in which judges, along with all the other relevant groups, engage in a (...)
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    Review of Richard D. Mohr: Gay Ideas.[REVIEW]Richard D. Mohr - 1994 - Ethics 105 (1):209-211.
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  43. (1 other version)Psychological dimensions of elenchus in the gorgias.Richard D. Parry - forthcoming - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental.
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    Concept acquisition as a function of stimulus-equivalence pretraining with identical and dissimilar stimuli.Richard D. Petre - 1964 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 67 (4):360.
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    Plato, Statesman 284c-d: An "Argument from the Sciences".Richard D. Mohr - 1977 - Phronesis 22 (3):232 - 234.
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    A vocabulary of the ancient commentators on Aristotle: combining the Greek-English indexes from the eponymous series spanning works from the 2nd century CE to late antiquity.Richard D. McKirahan - 2022 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    An astounding project of analysis on more than one hundred translations of ancient philosophical texts, this index of words found in the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle series comprises some 114,000 entries. It forms in effect a unique dictionary of philosophical terms from the post-Hellenistic period through to late antiquity and will be an essential reference tool for any scholar working on the meaning of these ancient texts. As traditional dictionaries have usually neglected to include translation examples from philosophical texts of (...)
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  47. Psi and the spectrum of consciousness.D. G. Richards - 1996 - Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research 90:251-67.
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    Introduction.Richard D. Perry - 2021 - Plato Journal 22.
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  49. Speciesism revisited.Richard D. Ryder - 2004 - Think 2 (6):83-92.
    Richard Ryder recounts the birth of the term.
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  50. The logic of experience.Richard D. Mosier - 1952 - Journal of Philosophy 49 (12):411-415.
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